Sustainability policies

Timber use policy

The Maleny Wood Expo has a strong focus on ecological sustainability and sustainable use of native and weed timbers. 

The first Maleny Wood Expo in 1996, was born from Barung Landcare’s recognition of the need to raise awareness about sustainable use of native hardwood and rainforest cabinet timbers. If our beautiful native timbers are to be available in the future, we must protect our natural resources.

The Maleny Wood Expo aims to promote the whole ‘timber’ story – from seed collection through planting forests, harvesting and milling to the end product, the furniture and a range of other incredible crafts and products we value and need.

The main point of difference between the Maleny Wood Expo and other wood shows is that our wood artisans are required to work in sustainably harvested native, weed or recycled timbers.

To achieve this we require all exhibitors to respect our ethic. All timber must be sourced from:

  • Hardwood or softwood timber from sustainably managed Australian plantations on private or public land;
  • Exotic (non-native / invasive) hardwood and softwood timbers (e.g. Slash Pine, Camphor Laurel and Privet) that can be removed with minimal disturbance to native bushland. Many species have weed potential and their removal will benefit the environment;
  • Salvage timber that would otherwise be chipped, bulldozed or burnt as a result of development, natural disaster or similar;
  • Timber collected where it presents a danger to people e.g. trees that have fallen or are likely to fall across roads, powerlines, houses (recognising that timber left to rot on the ground provides important nutrients and wildlife habitat, habitat value must be prioritised as part of decision-making prior to collection);
  • Recycled timbers from demolition of buildings and other constructions, and waste transfer stations; or
  • Other – if timber is not from the above sources, exhibitors must indicate where it came from prior to exhibiting at the Maleny Wood Expo and must comply with all relevant State and Federal legislation regarding timber harvesting.

Products made from timber burls cut from live trees are not permitted at the Maleny Wood Expo.

Abiding by these guidelines assists our community in sustainably managing our local timber resources.

If you are unsure if you meet the above criteria, please contact the Maleny Wood Expo Coordinator Steve McLeish at 

Waste management policy

The Maleny Wood Expo is a single-use plastic-free event. We refer to the Boomerang Alliance Plastic Free Places Program guidelines and comply with Queensland Government legislation to achieve our sustainability and waste-management practices.

The following items are not permitted to be sold, used or given away at Maleny Wood Expo: 

  • Bottled water (in single-use plastic) 
  • Single-use plastic drinking straws, stirrers, cups, plates, cutlery or containers 
  • Non-compostable food containers 
  • Non-recyclable coffee cups and lids
  • Expanded polystyrene takeaway food containers and cups
  • Single-use plastic bags (including heavy weight plastic bags)
  • Balloons (of any kind) or non-reusable plastic decorations
  • All other items listed in the Queensland 2021 ban and proposed ban items for 2023 

All items related to food or packaging supplied, need to be recyclable, reusable or 100% compostable (compliant with Australian composting standards).

Any exhibitor or vendor not adhering to these guidelines will not be invited back to the Maleny Wood Expo.

Visitors to the Maleny Wood Expo can further help us become a waste-wise community by bringing your own reusable drinking bottle, cutlery, coffee cup and shopping bags for purchases made at the Expo. 

Community members, exhibitors and vendors can access more information and a range of resources about plastic-free events on the Plastic Free Places website: